Giants’ Shoulders: Sascha’s birthday edition

Hi, I’m Sascha and this is my blog as you can see from my picture up there on the right. Usually I let Thony C. do the typing as it’s difficult for me with those mini computer keys and my majestic paws, however I’m doing the typing today as it’s my birthday. I’m nine you know. As a birthday present they have put up a special edition of The Giants’ Shoulders for me at Neurotic Physiology called ‘Fools, Frauds and Failures’; in my opinion they could have saved themselves a lot of ‘Fs’ and just called it ‘Humans’! But then what do I know I’m just a dog. Anyway for all you fans of the history of science go and admire my birthday present  it’s really good.

The next addition of Giants’ Shoulders is at Entertaining Research and the submissions deadline is the 15th September. As always submissions can be made directly to the host or here at blog carnivals.


Filed under Giants' Shoulders

5 responses to “Giants’ Shoulders: Sascha’s birthday edition

  1. Happy birthday!

    The Beast thinks you’re a youngster, but he’s an old cat. And an Aussie too, poor thing.

  2. Happy birthday, you adorable doggie!

  3. darwinsbulldog

    Well, Happy Birthday!

  4. Pingback: Giants’ Shoulders #49: The “Crisis what Crisis?” edition. | The Renaissance Mathematicus

  5. Pingback: The Giant’s Shoulders: The Fiftieth Anniversary Edition | From the Hands of Quacks

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